One of this marketing campaign’s main messages was the notion that women are often reluctant to buy clothes. In fact, there’s a great article on this in The New Yorker.

There is a general theory that women are “not as forward thinking” as men, so it’s natural for them to be hesitant to go shopping. This theory is, among other things, due to the fact that women have a higher chance of getting a cold than men do, which means women are more likely to be sick, so they’ll be less likely to go out and buy a new outfit.

I don’t think this makes much sense at all.

The reason we have the general theory is that marketing is all about making sure you reach as much potential women as possible. In other words, marketing is about saying that you want to sell me something. The only reason why you want to sell me something is because that is the only thing you have to sell. The only reason you want to sell me anything is because you have to sell something to me. Theres nothing wrong with advertising that you want to sell something to me.

Marketing is not about reaching people as long as your product is good and people are buying. That means that marketing is about making sure you have good products and being able to sell them. Marketing is all about making sure you are selling stuff people want to buy.

Marketing is all about making sure you are selling stuff people want to buy. This means that marketing is all about making sure you have good products and being able to sell them. The more well-designed and well-conceived your products are, the more likely people will buy them.


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