Hamsters are a popular pet for humans to keep. They’re cute, small, and don’t require too much upkeep. However, many people wonder if hamsters can eat cucumbers or not. The answer is that they cannot! Hamsters should only be fed things like nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables (but not cucumbers). Cucumbers have a lot of water in them which will make the hamster dehydrated and unhealthy. This blog post will discuss why it’s important that you don’t feed your hamster any food with high amounts of water in it! Why can’t I feed my hamster cucumbers? Cucumbers have a lot of water in them, which will make the hamster dehydrated and unhealthy. Hamsters should only be fed things like nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables (but not cucumbers). Cucumbers are too high in water content for this type of animal to eat. The answer is no! It’s important that you don’t accidentally give your pet anything with high amounts of water so they stay healthy. Recently it was discovered by scientists that if animals consume very large quantities of food or drink within a short period time their body goes into shock due to an overload on the system from all the extra material being processed at once. This kind of


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