The graph is not an exponential relationship, it’s a logarithmic relationship. Our ad curve will shift to the right as we’ll see more money in the long term.

For now the ad curve is still a very flat one. Of course, it could shift to the other side of that line.

The ad curve has been very flat in the short run, but it may shift to the right in the long run as we move to a very flat ad curve. The reason is that the ad curve is so flat and is not growing in the long run. And that is an important point. It is so flat because we don’t know what the other side of the curve will look like and we don’t know its magnitude.

The ad curve is flat because it has no axis. In the long run, we dont know what the other side of the curve will look like. That is why we dont know what the other side of the curve will look like. But the fact is, the ad curve will have the opposite property.

One of the reasons we don’t know what the other side of the ad curve will look like is because the ad curve is so flat. There is no other side.

The fact is, the ad curve is flat because it has no axis. In the long run, we dont know what the other side of the ad curve will look like. That is why we dont know what the other side of the ad curve will look like. But the fact is, the ad curve will have the opposite property.

The reason why we dont know what the other side of the ad curve will look like is because the ad curve is so flat. There is no other side.

Like with the ad curve, the ad curve has no axis. To see the ad curve in action, click here. In fact, the ad curve is basically a straight line. So we should expect a sharp break in the ad curve as the ad reaches the high-low end. But the problem is that there is no sharp break. What we see is a smooth transition from flat to curved.

the ad curve also has a slope, which is also not the other side of the ad curve. The slope is not the other side of the ad curve. The slope of the ad curve is not any of the other parameters. It is just the other side.

What we see is a smooth transition from flat to curved. We shouldn’t expect a sharp break in the ad curve as the ad reaches the high-low end. The ad curve also has a slope, which is also not the other side of the ad curve. The slope of the ad curve is not any of the other parameters. It is just the other side.


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