Step number one is to get your website up and running.

You can’t optimize what you’ve never built.

So, start by creating a website that will be easy for users to navigate through and find the information they are looking for.

The easier it is for them to find what they want, the more likely it is that they will convert into customers!

Step number two is to make sure that your website loads fast.

A slow loading web page will leave visitors frustrated and they’ll be more likely to bounce back off of it faster than if it loaded quickly.

Google has even said that a one second delay in load time can cause up to 20% higher exit rates, so you don’t want any delays!

To optimize for speed, first figure out what’s slowing down your site by using tools like Pingdom’s Speed Test Tool or GTMetrix Website Speed Testing Tool.

These tests give you feedback on how long individual pages take to load.

Where the heaviest delays are coming from (code bottlenecks), and other details about performance optimizations such as browser caching and G


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