The debate has been going on for decades now. Can hamsters have strawberries? There are many opinions on the subject, and it can be hard to know what to believe. The answer is yes. A small amount of strawberry won’t hurt your furry friend; they are not poisonous or toxic in any way. In fact, some say that because of their high levels of vitamin C and fiber, strawberries actually help improve a hamster’s health! The debate has been going on for decades now.

strawberry, splash, water @ Pixabay

Can hamsters have strawberries?

There are many opinions on the subject, and it can be hard to know what to believe. The answer is yes! A small amount of strawberry won’t hurt your furry friend; they are not poisonous or toxic in any way. In fact, some say that because of their high levels of vitamin C and fiber, strawberries actually help improve a hamster’s health. However, if you give your pet too much fruit – whether it’s a berry like this one or something else entirely- there could be consequences. Too much sugar will make them sick just as easily as with humans so moderation is key here (and always). 


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