Hamsters are rodents that are known for their short furry tail, enormous cheek pouches, and ability to store food in their cheeks. Hamsters eat a variety of foods including grains such as corn or wheat, vegetables such as carrots and green beans, fruits such as apples and bananas, fat-free cheese sticks or nuts. But what about bread? Can hamsters eat bread? The answer is yes! Bread is technically a grain, and hamsters can eat it. However they should avoid the bread crusts which are high in fat content. Hamsters should avoid bread crusts, which are high in fat content. == Can Hamster Eat Bread? == *Hamsters can eat and enjoy a variety of foods including grains such as corn or wheat, vegetables such as carrots and green beans, fruits such as apples and bananas, fat-free cheese sticks or nuts.* The answer is yes! However hamsters should avoid the bread crusts which are high in fat content. **The bread itself isn’t bad for them but it’s the fats that they would be consuming with eating too much. So what about cheddar crackers? You guessed it – this snack is good to go! Some other snacks you might want to share with your pet include fruit leather strips (just


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